Flashback Friday: Our Collaboration with Zappistore
Did you know that SwissPeaks have been involved in the developments at Zappistore over the last 4 years? Our invitation to join the Zappistore consortium came about due to our extensive work on market research data and the tendency to build our own toolkits to automate various periodic activities.
As a trusted supplier, they asked for our help in the building of the initial survey engine. However, with version 2 having been built in-house, sadly our involvement is coming to an end.
Zappistore in summary is an online provider of market research data collection and reporting services. The system allows clients to order pre-written survey packs, covering such areas as Creative Testing and New Product Development (via an online menu system). Once a client has placed their order, the survey is automatically sent out to a panel of consumers. Once this is complete, it triggers the delivery of an interactive report using custom-designed data visualisation software. The whole process from start to finish requires no user intervention at all!
The solution we built used a number of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). Using these, the online store was then able to communicate with our system via our main API and the project information was then processed accordingly. Retaining the data in a format that was market research friendly was important and so Triple-S XML became the obvious format to use (for import / export between the modules).
We are extremely proud of the developments we undertook (over thousands of hours) to create a suite of custom built survey pack for Zappistore. We’ve learnt a lot from being a part of the initial consortium and are very happy with our accomplishments. Although traditionally SwissPeaks works heavily with data management and processing activities, this was a fantastic opportunity to flex our development muscles. We now develop various bespoke applications, primarily for market research data analysis and visualisation needs.